23 de septiembre de 2008

Centre for Intercultural Dialogue - Kumanovo (Macedònia)

Youth Open Festival members in a street action in Kumanovo, Borja Franco

The Centre for Intercultural Dialogue (CID) is a non-governmental, non-profit youth organization that works on regional level in Macedonia. It was formed in May 2006 by active youth leaders and youth workers from Kumanovo.

The mission of the Centre for Intercultural Dialogue is to promote and support intercultural understanding and cooperation, peace and solidarity through active youth participation in the society, and especially through volunteer involvement on local and internacional level.

Davit is one of the roma participants from CID, Borja Franco

"Quan prendrem consciència del nostre paper, fins del més esborrat, només aleshores serem feliços. Només aleshores podrem viure en pau i morir en pau, perquè allò que dóna un sentit a la vida dóna un sentit a la mort"
Terra dels homes, Antoine de Saint-Exupéry

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